A 37-year-old man with HIV is seen in the emergency room after he suffered a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The family notes that for the last week he has reported a fever and they noted a gradual decline in his mental status. He has not been taking prescribed antiretroviral therapy, and the last known CD4 count was 22 cells/mm3. The serum anti-Toxoplasma IgG test was positive when he entered care 3 years prior. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrates multiple ring-enhancing intracranial lesions with vasogenic edema and mass effect, the largest being in the right frontal-parietal lobe (Figure 1). A diagnosis of Toxoplasma encephalitis is strongly suspected.
Which one of the following is recommended as initial therapy for suspected Toxoplasma encephalitis?

Figure 1. Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patient with Toxoplasma Encephalitis.
The image on left shows multiple ring-enhancing lesions. The image on the right shows a large ring-enhancing lesion with surrounding edema and mass effect.
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Question Last Updated
February 1st, 2025
February 1st, 2025
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