A 34-year-old man with HIV presents for an urgent visit for acute onset of pain and bleeding in the mouth. His CD4 count is 160 cells/mm3, and he has been on and off antiretroviral therapy. Oral examination shows tenderness of the gums as well as an area of soft tissue loss (Figure 1).
Which one of the following conditions is the most likely cause of this man's oral lesions?

Figure 1. Gingival Ulceration
Oral examination showing significant tissue loss along the lower gum line
Source: photograph from David H. Spach, MD

Figure 2. Ora Linear Gingival Erythema
Oral examination that shows intense erythema along the upper and lower gum lines.
Source: photograph from David H. Spach, MD
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Question Last Updated
January 28th, 2025
January 28th, 2025
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