A 26-year-old woman is seen in a sexually transmitted diseases clinic and is diagnosed with gonorrhea. She undergoes HIV testing and has a positive HIV-1/2 antigen-antibody immunoassay followed by an HIV-1/HIV-2 differentiation immunoassay that is positive for HIV-1. Initial laboratory studies showed a CD4 count of 615 cells/mm3 (CD4 percentage of 32) and HIV-1 RNA level of 47,920 copies/mL. She currently has no HIV-related symptoms and has never had any HIV-related symptoms.
Which one of the following defines her category of HIV disease based on the 2014 CDC case definition for HIV infection in adults and adolescents?

Figure 1. 2014 CDC Case Definition for HIV Infection for Adolescents and Adults
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Revised surveillance case definition for HIV infection—United States, 2014. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2014;63(RR-03):1-10.
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Question Last Updated
January 28th, 2025
January 28th, 2025
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