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- Module 2 Overview
Basic HIV Primary Care - 0%Lesson 1
Initial EvaluationActivities - 0%Lesson 2
Oral Manifestations - 0%Lesson 3
Cutaneous ManifestationsActivities - 0%Lesson 4
Immunizations in AdultsActivities - 0%Lesson 5
Primary Care ManagementActivities - 0%Lesson 6
Screening for Mental Health Conditions - 0%Lesson 7
Substance Use DisordersActivities - 0%Lesson 8
Retention in HIV CareActivities
Activity 2C. Intraoral Examination
Learning Objective Performance Indicators
- Discuss periodontal disease in persons with HIV
- Describe common oral manifestations in persons with HIV
- Summarize appropriate diagnostic procedures when evaluating HIV-related oral lesions
- List appropriate treatments for HIV-related oral lesions
- Recognize oral cancers that occur in persons with HIV
View this excellent video by Jeffery D. Hill, DMD on Intraoral Dental Exam: Guide to Oral Health Care for People LIving with HIV/AIDS
Presented by: Jeffery D. Hill, DMD
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau
and The AETC National Resource Center
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau
and The AETC National Resource Center
The Check-on-Learning Questions are short and topic related. They are meant to help you stay on track throughout each lesson and check your understanding of key concepts.